New individual members are welcome! Members are scholars with a university position, independent researchers, or Ph.D. candidates in the disciplines of theology, religious studies, anthropology, sociology and philosophy, who are involved in intercultural/ interreligious studies.
Expressions of interest in ESITIS membership should be submitted to our Treasurer, Gé Speelman (, including the following information: personal data, academic background, present position, major publications. Applicants are accepted as members at the discretion of the board of the society. Once accepted, applicants should pay the yearly membership fee of 60 euros (payment details below).
As a member, you will receive a copy of the Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology (2x yearly), and a discount on our conference fees.
We also welcome new institutional members of ESITIS: academic institutions with study programs and research activities within the fields of intercultural theology and/or interreligious studies.
Regulations for institutional membership:
- Accredited academic institutions from all regions of Europe can apply for ESITIS affiliated institutional membership status.
- Affiliated institutional membership status is granted upon decision by the Board based upon formal application.
- In order to apply for ESITIS affiliated institutional membership status institutions need to demonstrate commitment to educational and/or research programmes in the fields of Intercultural Theology and/or Interreligious Studies.
- Institutional membership is applied for and granted for three consecutive calendar years and can be requested from the Board six months prior to the end of the three-year membership cycle.
- The annual fee for affiliated institutional membership status per calendar year is Euro 100. Institutions are requested to make fee payments for the whole three-year membership cycle, i.e. an amount of Euro 300.
- Affiliated institutional members send one representative to the General Meeting of the society, usually held during its bi-annual conferences
- Affiliated institutional members may propose new board members, which will be formally nominated to the General Meeting by the Board. According to the ESITIS’ bylaws up to six out of ten members of the ESITIS Board should be proposed by the affiliated institutional members.
- Affiliated institutional members have no separate votes apart from those of the individual members present at the General Meeting
- The ESITIS Board decides on termination of institutional membership status, if the criteria for such are no longer met by such member
If you like to get in contact for institutional membership write to
Bank Account Payment
ESITIS Membership & Name of Registered Person or Institution
ING Bank in the Netherlands
IBAN NL80INGB0007010710
Payment via Paypal necessitates additional costs for transactions.