
The European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies (ESITIS) is an international and interdisciplinary society for the scholarly study of Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Relations. It was established on 19 March 2005 at Amsterdam.


The society aims at stimulating and coordinating research and education in intercultural theology and interreligious studies within the disciplines of theology, religious studies, anthropology, sociology and philosophy at graduate and post-graduate level across Europe.


As a member, you will receive a copy of the Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology (ISIT) (2x yearly), and a discount on our conference fees.


The main language used in the society is English.

Affiliated institutional members

Affiliated institutional members are academic institutions with study programs and research activities within the fields of intercultural theology and/or interreligious studies. [See regulations under Membership]

General Meeting

The governing body of the Society is the General Meeting of members, which elects the Society’s board.


The board is composed of a maximum of ten members, serving for a term of four years. Members can be reelected for one term. Affiliated member institutions may propose new board members, which will be formally nominated to the General Meeting by the Board. Individual members can also propose new candidates, to be formally nominated to the General Meeting by the Board. Up to six members should be proposed by the affiliated institutions. A representative of the host institution for the next biannual conference may be co-opted to join the Board for one term.


The officers of the Society – a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer – are elected by the board.


Members organize biennial conferences in different regions of Europe.


The society stimulates exchange of academic publications particularly through Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology (ISIT). The editors are Nelly van Doorn-Harder , and Paul Hedges; book review editors are Anne Hege Grung and Jon Paul Sydnor. Individual members will become subscribers automatically.